Sunday, February 14, 2016

Dear Me,

After graduating from high school, I really had no idea what I wanted to do.  There many things I wish I would have done differently, but I really wish my parents had taken the time to really sit down with me to help me decide what I wanted to do.  I am certain that they did their very best, but having a son wrapping up his senior year makes me want to make sure he feels like he can go anywhere and accomplish anything. 

I started my freshman year off at a junior college near by, and spent too much time with my friends going out and not enough time at school.  I only lasted 2 1/2 semesters, after being withdrawn from my classes after too many absences in a remedial course.  To say the least, my priorities were not in order.  Four months later, I found out I was pregnant and unfortunately I never finished.

It is true that we want better for our children, and I want exactly that for my children. 

If I could speak to my eighteen year old self, there is soooo much I would say:

Dear Me,

You are in a place that can shape the rest of your life.  You are smart, kind, strong, stubborn, and you have world at your fingertips.  Don't waste it.

Boys are great, but that is not what is important right now.  Finding yourself and being confident in the person you are is what is important.  When the time comes to settle down and get married, make sure he knows the real you, and make sure you understand that you are creating a covenant with God, and your husband.  Look for someone that shares your values, and has the utmost respect for you, your body and your sexuality.  Be weary if he is overly jealous, attempts to isolate you or not appreciative when you show him a kindness or give him a gift.  And most of all if he is not willing to wait, or makes you feel bad for not giving in he is not worthy of you.  Do not be derailed because you are allowing yourself to be wrapped up in a relationship that is not healthy.

Focus on you, take time to be alone, and put aside all things that will pull you down.  Notice quickly your real friends.  Real friends want only the best for you. and in return be that friend.  Real friends will not make you feel less, less important, less valuable, less special.  Real friends become family that love each other unconditionally.  Encourage each other to work hard and help each other stay motivated.  If you are going to date, date someone who will be a friend as well. 

Respect your parents, they have sacrificed a lot for you and unfortunately both will be gone in the next 18 years.  Nurture the relationships of your family, because when times do get tough (and I know they will) they will still be there. It doesn't take much to find out who your true friends are, they are the ones standing with you in the midst of your mess holding your hand telling you it will be OK.  All the others find ways to distance themselves from you, because they want no part of your chaos.  Be forgiving. 

Most importantly love God, His son, and yourself before you love anyone else. 

Your future self

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Rambling Numero Uno

There will be no schedule to this blog, as I have found out in my 38 years I do not work well on a schedule. There are times when I am not a fan on being on anyone's schedule but my own.

If I am going somewhere with a group, I do not enjoy the carpool.  Caravanning is another story, I have my car if I want to leave I am not bound by another person and vice versa.

My life is made up of myself, my husband of almost 18 years, our 17 year old son, 12 year old son, and 8 year old daughter and a vast extended family.  Our life has had a ton of ups, with its fair share of downs.  I feel like through my life experience I have a lot to offer to others, whether it is advice, humor or hope.

I hope to post frequently, however with three kids, and two part-time jobs finding the time to write is not always easy.